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Welcome to Reception Class!

Welcome to our homepage where we aim to keep you up to date with what is happening in our class!

Our teacher is Mrs O'Hare.

She is supported by Mrs Ramsden and Miss Edmondson. 

Email address:

Our class value is Thankfulness.

Information for Parents

P.E Day

PE will take place on a Monday afternoon. Please remove your child's earrings for PE!  You may provide small plasters to cover earrings if they cannot yet be taken out.

Home Reading Books

Please ensure your child brings their book bag to school with them every day. 

An adult will read with your child in school at least once a week. New flashcards will be added to their pack and their book will be changed if they have read at home. Please try to work on phonics/reading with your child at home for 10 minutes each day and write a comment and sign in their reading record when you have done so. Thank you!


Useful Websites

NON STATUTORY Development Matters

Useful Documents